Best sleep position during pregnancy


Let’s know about sleep position during pregnancy. By the end of this article, you will know everything about how to sleep during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, your body goes through many physical changes. Which also affects your sleep. During pregnancy, you find it difficult to sleep in your regular sleeping positions. 

There may many reasons for this. For example, insomnia, increased size of the abdomen, back pain, shortness of breath, etc.

So below to help you, about how to sleep during pregnancy is given so that you can have a safe and quality sleep.

Topics covered in this article

how to sleep during pregnancy

Sleeping on your stomach

If you like to sleep on your stomach then as long as your baby bump is small then you can sleep in this position.

When the baby bump gets bigger, then you find it hard to sleep with it on your stomach for a stomach sleeper. Then you should leave your favorite sleeping position.

Sleeping on your back at night

According to risk pregnancy specialists, you should not sleep on your back during the second and third trimesters. Sleeping for a long time in this position makes it difficult for the general circulation of your body.

Due to which the blood flow in your fetus decreases and as a result your baby does not get sufficient nutrients and oxygen.  It can also have negative effects on your organs.

Along with this it reduces your digestive power, promotes hemorrhoids and backache,s, and can lead to low blood pressure, due to which you become erratic.

If a woman inadvertently falls asleep on the back while sleeping and finds herself sleeping on the back in the morning, then you do not have to fear much. But avoid sleeping for a long time in the back position at night.

Sleeping on your sides, the best position in pregnancy

At the time second and third trimester of pregnancy, the doctor generally tells you to sleep on your side. Studies show that the best maternal sleep position is on your left side. Sleeping on the left side increases your nutrition and blood in your body and reaches your placenta and your baby.

In addition, this position also improves your kidney function. Due to which the waste product of your body gets removed from your body properly. 

While sleeping at night, a woman can place a pillow between your knees by bending your legs to eliminate the tension in your back. This is one of the best positions in pregnancy. 

If there is heartburn at bedtime, then you can sleep by spreading your upper body with pillows. If you are suffering from back pain, then you can sleep with a pillow under your abdomen. This is one of the most comfortable sleeping positions during pregnancy.

But in a study in 2019 found that right and left sides both are ideal for pregnant women.

Additional tips for sleep position during pregnancy for pregnant women

  • Use a lot of pillows according to your comfort while sleeping.
  • A woman can use a recliner to sleep if you have difficulty with the pillows. Prop yourself up in a recliner to sleep instead of a bed at night.
  • Do light physical activity during days of pregnancy.
  • For maximum support, you can also use pregnancy pillows.
  • Avoid caffeine-containing food before bed.
  • Developed a habit to avoid electronics at least 30 minutes before sleeping.
  • Drink more water. But do not drink too much before sleeping so that you do not have to urinate frequently.
  • Make a habit of reading a book before bed.

Discover the tips to fall asleep fast.

Remember that during pregnancy, pregnant women may first encounter difficulties in sleeping on the sides. You can feel uncomfortable for the first few nights or even a few weeks. But over time, it will be easier for you to sleep on the side.

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